The biggest guessing game in Washington right now is what it will take for the Democrats to throw a major league temper tantrum over the antics of the incoming administration. How about a conclusion by the CIA and FBI that Russian espionage helped elect Donald Trump? Wait, that actually happened, didn’t it? It was easy to miss because the reaction from the loyal opposition was more of a whimper than a wail.

House Democratic leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., normally no shrinking violet when it comes to pitched rhetoric, responded to the bombshell with these uncharacteristically modulated sentences: “This is not (about) overturning this election. This is about making sure it doesn’t happen again.”

In the Senate, incoming Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, said the unanimous consensus by the country’s top intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump win was “simultaneously stunning and not surprising.” He and Pelosi then pushed for a bipartisan congressional investigation. Watergate and 9/11 eventually had their investigations, but they were preceded by well-deserved rhetorical flourishes aimed at setting a moral tone for the country.

Obviously, such an inquiry is necessary. But from the standpoint of leveraging power and public opinion in dealing with Team Trump, particularly as a minority party, it is far from sufficient. I’ve never been an advocate of frivolously jumping into battles. Anger is not a strategy, but used sparingly and selectively, it can be an effective tactic, particularly when laced with a dose or two of righteous indignation. Given the enormity of evil associated with Russian spies pressing their fingers on the scales of our democracy, it’s hard to think of a better time to let loose with that tactic. As Rabbi Hillel so wisely and rhetorically asked, “If not now, when?”

Now is the time for Democratic leaders to fan out to the networks and cable shows, talking points in hand. Now is the time for them to scream from the rooftops about an election that was stolen from the American people. Now is the time to avoid mincing words. It’s time to call Donald Trump out as Vladimir Putin’s puppet, the candidate backed by the Kremlin’s finest chicanery. Now is the time to take to the streets, not because we don’t like Donald Trump, but because his election was rigged by the Russians and, therefore lacks legitimacy.

One of the first things I learned as a union negotiator is that if your side is suffering a power deficit, as ours always did, you have to find a way to create power. Right now, through a confluence of circumstances, Democrats, who are sorely lacking in political power, have an opportunity to gain leverage. But they have to rise above their post-election shell shock and timidity. Russian spies helped elect Donald Trump, for God’s sake. Why tiptoe around it? If nothing else, a strong offense could pull Trump off his transition game, sending him into late night Twitter defense, a play that brings a cringe to even his most ardent supporters. Better yet, it could build enough steam for the Senate to torpedo the confirmation of Putin’s buddy, Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State.

There is power in the moral high ground. It captures peoples’ hearts and minds, rallying them to a noble cause. No, it is not likely to stop a Trump presidency. But it can alter the narrative. And as we learned from this election, the right narrative delivers power. Instead of the outsider riding into Washington on his white horse to shake everything up, we can make it about Russian skullduggery producing a U.S. president who had 2.8 million fewer votes than Putin’s nemesis, Hillary Clinton. To those who say, “Get over it. Trump won; he is our president,” a reminder is in order. Barack Obama won in 2008 and 2012, by much wider electoral vote margins and without interference from a foreign adversary. Yet, the legitimacy of his presidency was challenged by Republicans from Day 1, all on the basis of utter balderdash. Every blatantly false claim imaginable – from being a Muslim to his birth in Kenya – was used to challenge the authenticity of the country’s first black president.

Although despicable, the Republican strategy was effective. It weakened his administration, particularly in the early years. Democrats may be hesitant to follow that path because it left such a stench in the political atmosphere. But there is one huge difference between then and now, namely a genuine, real life, honest-to-God basis to challenge the legitimacy of the 45th president.

FBI Director James Comey, a Republican and obviously no friend of Hillary Clinton, today joined the CIA and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in declaring that Russia’s interference in the election was done to help Trump win. Couple those findings with Putin’s autocratic history as a dictator who has had his political opponents imprisoned and murdered, and you have a compellingly strong basis upon which to challenge the legitimacy of this president.

Unfortunately, the Democratic response has been limited to meekly calling for an investigation, as if we were dealing with some sort of bureaucratic screw up, as opposed to one of the most extraordinary events in our political history. The party’s leaders are understandably in a bit of post-election disarray right now. For the sake of the country, they need to quickly get past it. And then work up some passionate outrage over Russia’s theft of our election.


  1. I could not agree with you more. This is a monumental and potentially tragic time in the history of our country, and we’re hearing only the faintest of response from our Democratic leaders — not to mention the conservatives and the Trump lovers, in particular. Can you imagine how they’d react if Putin helped Hillary get elected? The Republican Party is now officially the Hypocritical Party. It’s truly disgusting. Thank you, Bruce, for another spot-on blog.

  2. No Trump defender here. Did not support him, did not vote for him, hope the electors are faithless, our state’s electors are bound to Clinton, and so on. Still, I think we should treat Trump as we wish he’d treated Obama; Our principles guide us regardless of reciprocation.

    Obama said yesterday there is no evidence of Russian election-focused activity after his September meeting with Putin, leaving the issue as transparency into DNC emails (revealing ala Snowden). Apparently not a hack, but a successful phishing attempt (yes, it’s sort of a hack, but less brute force, more deception and relatively-common foolery).

    If Russians are proven even near determinative of the election, I’ll join your outrage. For now, I am angry with Democrats running a Wall Street campaign without the word “Occupy,” ignoring the people’s candidate repping instead the status quo and taking the rust belt for granted.

    It was McAuliffe, not Putin, who claimed she’d flip flop on TPP post-election, proving we do not understand the depth of the furor over trade rules written by K Street.

    When headed for a loss, Blatz would say “Make ’em pay full price.” Instead, Trump got the election at a discount, spending half the opposition (and much of that went in his other pocket).

    I hate to blame only the Democrats in the US when this is a global wave of anger, but we got advance notice in the form of Brexit that running the status quo would lead to rejection. Few today will pass on a chance to raise a middle finger to elites.

    Sure, we won the popular vote, and progressives rule the initiatives and referendum processes, but we failed to take the White House and I don’t yet think Russians had anything significant to do with the result.

    If we’re looking for that problem, we’ll find it looking in the mirror. We couldn’t beat Trump spending twice the cash. Shame on us. We left this stain on the carpet and it’s going to be our job to clean it up — or leave that to our kids, who don’t read Pravda but resolutely rejected the Democratic candidate in favor of Bernie.

    Without more, especially post September, we are kidding only ourselves blaming this on Russians. If we want a reality check on our outrage, shouldn’t we be asking the obvious question: Can our intelligence agencies certify their hands clean of dirty election wrangling at home and abroad?

    Of course not. We reap what we sow. Hard to find outrage there, isn’t it?


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